Service privacy statement (Personal Data Act = henkilötietolaki 523/1999, 10§ and Section 24§)
Version 17.11.2019
Namihani® by Beeness Finland
Veiström Inc. (FI29473127)
Kyttälänkatu 14, liiketila 9
FI-33100 Tampere, FINLAND
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +358408776799
Contact person for matters relating to the register
Mr. Ilkka Veiström
Registry name
Electronic contacts database
Purpose of processing personal data
The purpose of processing personal data is to receive and, if necessary, store electronic contacts from the web service for later use. The basic uses of personal data processing include the processing and archiving of apiary register notifications and other personal data processing related to customer communications.
Content of the register
Register contains personal information given upon contact forms or in the submitted attachments. We do not keep unnecessary data in the registry.
Regular sources of data
Registered data is based on the information provided when using contact forms or in the submitted attachments. The registry information is not updated from other sources of information.
Regular disclosure of information
We will not disclose any personal information to third parties. Personal information is only processed by Veiström Inc. customer service and sales, production and administration.
Principles of register security
The register is only kept electronically. All material in the registry is protected by the usual password protection and restricted access to the business premises.
Right to inspection
A person registered in the register has the right, in accordance with Section 26 of the Personal Data Act, to check what information about him is kept in the personal register. The person making the request has to be reliably identified and the request for the information has to be sent in writing or electronically.
Other rights related to the processing of personal data
A person registered to the register has the right to deny direct mail and marketing to him. The person making the denial notice has to be reliably identified and the request has to be sent in writing or electronically.